Weekend’s over!

Assalaamalaykum(Peace be on you),

It seems like just yesterday, when I was drafting a ‘weekend’s here’ post in my head, and now as I sit and type this out, it’s Saturday night and while it may be the actual weekend for the rest of the world, ours just ended.

Countries in the Middle East, had their weekly holiday on Friday, given the religious significance of the day.

But, eventually, so as to keep up with the rest of the world, some countries have completely switched to weekends on Sunday, while countries like Saudi, adjusted the weekend to Friday and Saturday, hence making Sunday, the first working day of the week.

Growing up, I faintly remember the time, when Wednesday would be the last day of the week, and our weekend would be for the next two days. And, as the world just about braced for it’s weekend, ours would end.

To be honest, those were simpler times, and I did enjoy having a day off before Friday. I personally think, the most functional way is the current way of Friday and Saturday.

The Thursday evening vibe is unmatched . And given, how Friday afternoon’s are busy with the Jumuah prayer, you have the rest of the evening and the next day for relaxing or chores, whatever is your weekend routine.

And, though it makes us a little different from the rest of the world, is it so bad to stand out? Especially when it matches our priorities and convenience, I think not.

Until Next Time!


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